Introducing NFT Equity Group

3 min readJun 17, 2023
Tokenized Luxury Villas

​My apologies for being slightly absent from the channel recently but it is for good reason. I have been very busy traveling and developing a blockchain product of my own. It has been quite the DeFi journey over the past 2.5 years and building my own YouTube channel documenting my journey in this space has been enlightening and eye opening. I never expected the channel to go in the direction it did. So it is time to start to shift gears with my journey and start releasing my own projects that will be a much more sustainable option than the degen plays we have all seen over the past 2 years.

All too often projects launch promising unsustainable returns without much thought for longevity. We all flock to these projects like a moth to a flame expecting life changing gains and I totally understand that and have felt that many times myself. But as we know 9 times out of 10 these projects tend to fail and only then do the team try to scramble looking for “utility” for their project to try to keep the investment dream alive.

I have personally taken a different approach with my project. Building investments on the blockchain with utility already that are backed by real world assets, real estate. Not just any random real estate but high end luxury villas on the island paradises of Bali and Lombok Indonesia.

The project is called NFT Equity Group and the approach is to offer tokenized real estate as fractionalized investments in the form of NFT collections to allow investors from all over the world and of all budgets to be able to participate and invest in luxury real estate without all the hassles that normally comes with purchasing foreign property. Investors will receive passive income from short term holiday rentals and the price appreciation from the equity share they own holding at least one NFT.

Is this something you might be interested in?

​The marketing for this new platform has already begun and the first property will be minted in the first week of July.

We have partnered with 4 international developers that are currently building incredible portfolios for us to chose from. We will be launching with four properties of various types upon launch with their minting dates spaced apart. See all four properties today by following the links to the two properties described below.

Earn passive income, equity price appreciation and accommodation rewards

​This project comes about from a culmination of investing in 65+ DeFi projects in less than 12 months. I can honestly say that I can count on one hand the projects that have had lasting success. I have learnt a lot over this time and tokenizing real world assets to me seems like the most common sense approach to providing the safest investments on the blockchain. No chance for crypto volatility.

Having said that I am taking a big leap of faith launching this project that I hope you will also join with me on this journey in creating long term sustainable passive income as well as equity investments that appreciate over time.

I will of course still be reviewing potential degen money earners and gamble plays on the MyDeFiLife YouTube channel from time to time for a quick ROI, but it is my naive optimism that in the long term NFT Equity Group will eventually become my main focus.

For more in depth information and substantial details head over to the official website

Connect with us on Twitter and YouTube as well as the official Telegram.




Pivoting into the decentralised finance world. Crypto is the future and finding ways to supplement my earnings with passive income is my new passion.