How to Invest in StableFund

7 min readSep 18, 2022

If you’re a crypto or defi rookie and not sure where to start when investing in StableFund then you’re in the right place. In this video I will cover the steps required to invest your hard earned cash into Stablefund to start reaping the rewards of 1.5% compound interest per day.

Chapters for this video are laid out in the description and also across the play bar so if you want to find the information you need fast you can skip to the chapter that suits you. Additionally all the links and web pages mentioned in this walkthrough investing in StableFund are in the description of this video.

Steps to Invest in StableFund

Install Metamask

Download the metamask extension for your browser. I recommend using the Chrome browser.

Install the BNB Blockchain

Network Name: BSC Mainnet
New RPC URL: or
ChainID: 56, or 0x38 if 56 doesn’t work
Symbol: BNB Block Explorer URL:

Install the Polygon Blockchain

Network Name: Polygon Mainnet
Chain ID: 137 Currency
Symbol (optional): MATIC
Block Explorer URL (optional):

Send your tokens from CEX to MetaMask

Quick note it is possible to bypass the need for metamask and transfer funds directly to StableFund but by getting over the hump of installing and using meta mask you are also opening the possibilities of investing in many other defi and crypt projects and with metamask that will be the easiest way. So it is recommended to go through this process.

To get your funds onto your metamask wallet first you will need to send from your bank account to a central exchange. Chose whicheveer exchange suits you as you will need to be able to transfer funds from your bank to the central exchange., Kukoin,, Coinbase etc.

Once you have signed up for a central exchange and have your funds already transferred you will need to buy the tokens you wish to stake on StableFund. The three crypto currencies available to Stake on StableFund are BNB, BUSD and Matic.

To purchase any of these 3 tokens you will need to swap your fiat that you transferred to the central exchasnge and swap for any of all of these tokens. Locate the exhange or trade link on the exchange of your choice.

Send Crypto to MetaMask

To send BNB from your exchange to your MetaMask you will need to send this on the BEP20 Binnance Smart Chain network with your metamask wallet address. Click on the wallet link on your exchange and select to withdraw your newly purchased BNB.

Copy your wallet address from MetaMask

Pick the BEP20 network and paste in your MetaMask wallet address as seen above.

To send Matic you will need to send this to the POLYGON blockchain with your metamask wallet address. Select to send Matic and once again copy the MetaMask wallet address into your withdrawl fields.

Once you submit your withdrawl you will need to go through 2–3 steps to approve this withdrawl with your exchange. Once completed the crypto can take up to 5 minutes to appreas in your MetaMask wallet.

Congratualtions you now have crypto on your MetaMask

Sign up for Stablefund

Head to to sign up. You will need to go through similar setup to MetaMask by recording your password and secret phrase as this is also a crypto wallet much like MetaMask. Once your setup is complete you are now ready to transfer funds from Metamask to StableFund.

Deposit Crypto onto StableFund

Log in to the stable fund dashboard and click on the wallet.

Locate the crypto currency you wish to deposit from your Metamask. BNB or Matic.

Deposit address is the last icon on the right

The deposit address can be found by clicking the deposit icon on the right hand side of the listed currency within the StableFund wallet. A pop up will appear giving you a QR code or a copy button to copy the address.

Go to your metamask and select the correct network for the token you wish to send. Binance for BNB or Polygon for Matic.

Click on SEND and paste in the StablerFund address you jys copied from the dashboard.

Select the amount you wish to transfer to the StableFund wallet and never transfer MAX as you will need to leave some BNB or Matic for gas for future transactions. Once you click send and confirm the transaction it will take 1–5 minutes for the crypto to appear on your StableFund dashboard under the wallet tab. Refresh your page if you do not see your funds appear sooner. It is the same process for Matic as well. Just swith to the Polygon chain in order to send Matic to the StableFund wallet.

Stake your tokens

Now that you have either BNB or Matic or both successfully deposited into StableFund you can now click on over to the STAKE tab to stake your crypto into StableFund.

By Default the stake tab opens up on Matic deposit. Enter the amount of Matic you wish to deposit in the “New Deposit” box on the left hand side.
If you are required to APPROVE on your first transaction then first click approve. After this you will be able to click DEPOSIT and a box confirming your fee and transaction will pop up. Generally the fee is .3 Matic. Once you hit confirm you can wait for the transaction to finish and then proceed to deposit BNB or BUSD in the same manner. (To obtain BUSD head to the Exchange tab and swap BNB for BUSD, then return to the Stake tab to stake your BUSD.

Your initial stake is locked up for 28 days. After 28 days your initial funds can be fully withdran and are free to continue to compound your available rewards.

Compound Interest

To earn compound interest on your 1.5% per day you will need to withdraw your rewards each day and re-deposit. To easily check your deposits and rewards click through to the STAKE tab and at the bottom of the page is a calculator. Clicking on the caluculator will open a window and reveal how much you have in deposits and available rewards to claim.

If you feel you have enough rewards to claim and re-deposit then close the calculator and click on the withdraw rewards button.

You can claim your rewards every day and re-stake them for compound interest. This will grow your balance every day earning you bigger rewards every day. If your initial deposits are small then maybe make it every 2–3 days until your amount grows enough to withdraw every day.

My Strategy

For me personally I have deposits in all three Matic, BNB and BUSD. I like to withdraw reards from one and compound the other two and rotate this every day so each deposit has 2 days to accumulate reards.
For cashing out I like to take 30% of withdrawn rewards to cash out and the 70% re-deposit.

Good Luck!

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Pivoting into the decentralised finance world. Crypto is the future and finding ways to supplement my earnings with passive income is my new passion.